Adversarial Networks in Fashion

Posted by Carey Chou on October 19, 2016

Recent generative model research has developed a class of methods known as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). These models adopt a game theoretic approach to training; two networks D (discriminator) and G (generator) "play a game" where D is trained to learn generated data from real data and G is trained to confuse D that the data it's generating is real. Several variants of these networks [1, 2] have produced unbelieveably accurate samples.

Handbag Addition

This is a "fashion" edition of the results from [2] where the authors perform vector arithmetic in z-space. The classic example is:

with man-with-glasses - man-without-glasses + woman = woman-with-glasses

We applied similar methods specific to our industry using handbags. We perform "arithmetic" on handbag features - that is, we reconstruct new handbags from the latent features of our network. The idea behind this is to take two popular handbags, let the GAN extract/merge their features, and then subtract them from features of a less popular handbag. The transition is much more subtle and not obvious, and up to interpretation as to what features the final product extracts from each image.

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Taking 500 random points in z-space and varying the mean and standard deviation, we are able to generate what appears to be a transition from a handle-less clutch to much wider handbag with a handle.

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An interesting experiemnt could be taking products that a shopper has viewed or purchased and using these techniques, create new patters/shapes/styles tailored specificlly to that individual.


[1] Brendan Frey, Ian Goodfellow, Navdeep Jaitly, Alireza Maklhzani, and Jonathon Shlens. Adversarial Autoencoders. arXiv:1511.05644v2 [cs.LG], 25 May 2016.

[2] Soumith Chintala, Luke Metz, and Alec Radford. Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. arXiv:1511.06434v2, 07 January 2016.

[3] Xi Chen, Viki Cheung, Ian Goodfellow, Alec Radford, Tim Salimans, Wojciech Zaremba. Improved Techniques for Training GANs. arXivL1606.03498v1 [cs.LG], 10 June 2016.


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